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We are working hard with the big amount of registrations and we hardly have time for more! Mallorca, Ibiza, Catalonia, La Rioja, Basque Country, Pamplona, ​​Canary Islands, Valencian Community, Galicia, Castile and Leon, Andalusia, Italy, France. Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom... The Menorca Lindy Exchange 2023 will be more heterogeneous than ever.

At the parades on Saturday and Sunday we will enjoy Monkey Doo!

The funniest swing band in the Balearic Islands returns to the "swingxalada". Freshness and good vibes that will fill the streets of Ciutadella with the two parades of the Menorca Lindy Exchange 2023. Monkey Doo is a small Majorcan musical formation born in 2011. A swing/skiffle band that tries to recover the most popular essence of this style musical, both in the repertoire of classical themes from the first period (20s and 30s), and with the use of instruments from American popular music in this period.

@jazzobert @menorcalindyex @menorcajazzfestival #menorcajazzfestival BANDES @monkeydoo_es


PATROCINEN: @turismomenorca @turismoislasbaleares @iebalearics @consellinsularmenorca #menorcailladecultura @ajciutadella @ajuntamentmao @ajuntamentsantlluis @ajuntamentdeferreries

@xoriguergin @estrelladamm @imper_deco @centrejardineriaciutadella @opticaciutadella_ferreries #vacancesmenorcaresort #fundaciobalearia @baleariaferry

COL.LABOREN: #triaymesquidaassessors #muove @nexgrupo.calanbosch @acustic_menorca @set_hotels @sesbruixesboutiquehotel @smoix @teatredesborn @auditoriferreries @acsalapolivalent @teatreprincipalmao @casino17degener @juntsaspla @lithicapedreresdeshostal @ciutadellaantiga #eliteprint @elpaladar

MITJANS DE COMUNICACIÓ: @ib3 @apuntmenorca @radiomenorca #ciutadelladefranc

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